This site is about our families and their
the generations and trails they left behind of MEMORIES,
and the reasons for our fondness of LADYBUGS.
The Helfrich~Josey
& Allied Families we have researched, to date,
consists of 3,326 individuals,
with some dating back as far as 16 generations,
with an average life span of 59 years and 10 months.
The earliest ancestor we have found is Robert Jossey - Born 1565.
Welcome to our Helfrich and
Josey web site. This cover page is from the celebration of our 50th wedding anniversary in December
of 2002.
Chuck and I wanted to thank our family for the many memories
during that time when the entire family came in to celebrate our
50th anniversary. So, what could be more appropriate than
"Thanks For The Memories" as background music on our
main page. The entire family, consisting of four sons, their
wives, and seven grandchildren, all cooperated with many events, and we
truly had
so much fun. The pictures of all
of us above gives one a peek at the good times had by all. Then, we got ourselves
together, cleaned up and you will find a more presentable picture of all
of us on the second page of the 50th Anniversary Page.
We hope you will come back often as this is an ongoing project.
Chuck and I have walked the paths of so many of our ancestors over the
years, going to their home places, schools, relatives, neighbors,
friends, cemeteries, court houses, libraries, historical societies, etc. to garner as much information as possible. We have
lost track of the number of cemeteries we have strolled through, looking
for any possible ancestors. We are scanning thousands of pictures
and transcribing scores of interviews we have conducted over the
past 50 years. Chuck and I have put pen to paper and composed the
stories of our lives and our ancestors. This web site has been
almost three years in the works, and many months
spent looking for the appropriate graphics and music to fit each page.
These graphics and colors on this page seemed apropos, since Chuck and I
could consider ourselves in the autumn of our lives. The purpose of this web site is to
have a CD of all of this for each of our sons and their families and,
hopefully, find others who can connect with our
families. We hope this will be a lasting legacy for all of our
descendants who follow after us.
This web site consists of an individual page with the life history of
each of our grandchildren, our four sons and their wives, Chuck, Jackie,
our parents, our grandparents, some great-grandparents and 2nd great-grandparents,
many family photos, which includes so many old precious and priceless
in addition to several "other pages" that we hope may be of interest to
many of you. We also hope you will come back often and read
a few more chapters each time. Our main focus has been to have each page
be as much of a surprise, as possible, when it is opened, and capture and hold your
attention. Hopefully, we have succeeded, for the most part.
A suggestion would be to treat this as a book, and start at the first
page and work through it, page by page, realizing that it will take
several days or weeks to get through all of it. We look forward to your comment (s) in our guest book below.
Please turn up your volume and enjoy the music on each page.
We and
the ones we write about on these pages are the
memories of
Our sons and daughters-in-law are the current events and
hope of
Our grandchildren are the
building blocks and
future of tomorrow.
Yesterday is history;
Tomorrow is a mystery;
Today is a gift -- That's why it's called the
When you were
born, you were crying . . . and everyone around
you was smiling.
Live your life so that, at the end, you're the
one who is smiling -- and everyone around you
is crying.
We have many other allied names mentioned here, but
the main names written about on this web site are listed below:
Just click on any surnames below to go to their pages, but the "MAIN
INDEX" is at the bottom of this page