Ron-Elise-Lauren-Michael by an abandoned mine Les-Jan-Rebeka-Heather by an abandoned mine
Rebeka and Heather greeting Lauren and Michael at the airport
Jackie, Jan, Les, Elise (holding Michael) Ron, Lauren, Chuck,
Heather, Rebeka in front
This was taken when we took two cub planes to the Ruth Glacier at the base of Mt. McKinley. We landed at 7,000 ft above sea level, built snowmen, had snowball fights, took pictures-have never seen such breathtaking beauty.
Ron-Elise-Lauren-Michael by an abandoned mine
1994 - Ron checking out a BIG moose in the background
Or is the moose checking Ron out? 1994 - Ron and Lauren taking a nap on boat trip in Alaska Alaska 1994 - The steam boat we took a great trip on.
1994 - Ron checking out a BIG moose in the background
Or is the moose checking Ron out?
2000 - Alaska State Fair
L-R - Les - Heather - Ron - Rebeka - Jackie - Chuck
2000 - Rafting in Alaska -
Left side front to back - Heather with back to us, Jackie, Rebeka, Chuck, Les (far back), Jan in front of him, and Ron in the very front right. The water was so cold that they said if we got thrown out, we only had a matter of seconds to get to the shore or we would suffer hypothermia. Believe me, we held on for dear life.
Ron and mom in Alaska
He was not ashamed to be seen with his punk hairdo mom
2000 - Rafting in Alaska -
Left side front to back - Heather with back to us, Jackie, Rebeka, Chuck, Les (far back), Jan in front of him, and Ron in the very front right. The water was so cold that they said if we got thrown out, we only had a matter of seconds to get to the shore or we would suffer hypothermia. Believe me, we held on for dear life.
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2005 Jackie and Chuck - Seven Glaciers Restaurant 2005 - Chuck - Jackie - Jan - Heather - Ron - Les - Seven Glaciers Restaurant 2005 - Jackie - Seven Glaciers Restaurant 2005 - Ron - Jackie - Chuck - Seven Glaciers Restaurant
2005 Jackie and Chuck - Seven Glaciers Restaurant
2005 - Jackie and Chuck at a pretty waterfall 2005 - Ron at a pretty waterfall 2005 -Les and Jan at a pretty waterfall
2005 - Jackie and Chuck at a pretty waterfall
06-2005 Ron at Hatcher's Pass 06-2005 Jackie and Chuck-MatSu Glacier 06-2005 - Jackie and Chuck - Matanuska Glacier 06-2005 Matanuska Glacier - 24 miles long and 4 miles wide. We found three live lady bugs on the glacier. Les-Jan-Heather-Chuck-Jackie-Rebeka-Ron
06-2005 Ron at Hatcher's Pass
2005 - Chuck in the Alyeska Resort at the entrance 2005 - Ron at the Seven Glaciers 2005 - Ron at the Seven Glaciers 2005 - Ron at the Seven Glaciers 2005 - Ron at the Seven Glaciers
2005 - Chuck in the Alyeska Resort at the entrance

See the ladybug on the rock in the lower
left of the picture?
(All three of them were alive too!!)