Probably early 1940's - Angie second from left - front

Back - Brown sisters - Geneva - Wanda -
Gladys - Doris
Front-Angie Josey -
Jimmy Graves
Our neighbors and childhood friends
About 1944 -1945 - Shreveport, LA

1945 - Betty and Pat Josey

1947-48 - Betty and Pat |

1949 - Pat and Betty |

1949 - Pat, Wannete Mercer, Betty, Bubba Mercer

Willie and Jean Josey
Son and daughter of
William Thomas Jefferson and Isaure Soileau Josey
Brother of Roy Josey
Willie and Jean are Jackie's 1st cousins
We all spent a lot of time together in the summers, with several
Josey family members swimming, fishing, eating, and playing at
Monterey Lake, between Shreveport and Vivian, LA

Leonard Graves - Husband of Mary Sims Graves
Our neighbors - Late 1930's

Janice, Julia and Buddy Ethridge
Their mother was Bush Sims Ethridge above
Probably about 1943-44
Jackie's second cousins

Mary Sims Graves and Elizabeth (Bush) Sims Ethridge
Mary was the mother of Jimmy, Tommy and Ann above
Bush was the mother of Janice, Julia and Buddy below
Probably the mid to late 1940's
Mother's first cousins

Jimmy Graves
Probably about the mid 1940's

Ann Graves
Probably about 1946

Jimmy and Ann Graves
Jackie's second cousins
Probably about 1948-49
Son and daughter of Leonard Graves above

Ann Graves
Probably about 1947-48
Jackie's second cousin

Jimmy and Tommy Graves
Probably about 1955-56
Jackie's second cousins
Sons of Leonard Graves above

About 1946-47?
Angie (standing) in center of picture dark
jumper/white blouse
holding hands in front of her.
Bo (two over to the left of Angie) holding his
hands up under his chin.
Pat sitting in the front center with her hands
out-stretched in her lap,
wearing suspenders/white blouse.
Betty seems to think that may be her standing
on the far left
(3rd from the left standing) also wearing suspenders/white blouse.

About 1948-49?
Jackie and Bo on far right back row
Pat in center with arm up
and Betty behind Pat
Angie and
Buddy were not at Margie's that day.

About 1948 - Left to right
1. Teency Tarbutton (?)
2. Glenn Pickett
3. Buddy Josey
4. Wayne Pickett
5. Irving Heard
6. Ray Tines (Irv's next door neighbor)
7. Gerald Wilson (Father owned Acme Grocery)
It was taken by Glenn's mother in front of my
We had a big yard and most of the kids hung out
at my house.
The actual photo was taken just out side my yard
on Maple Street.
Don't remember the day but I guess it was about
1948 the year I got my first bike. Hope this
I don't know who #1 is. #4 is Wayne Pickett, #6
is last name Willis, can't remember his first
name, but he lived between Irv and me.
Number 7 is Gerald Wilson. The picture was
taken in the 2000 block of Maple Street,
probably in front of 2006 or 2008 (my house) in
West End.
The buildings in the background were in the old
KCS Railroad Repair Yards.
The leafy limb showing in the upper right hand
corner of the picture is a Sycamore tree.
I used to climb in it, and one day fell out of
it from about 6 or 7 feet up.
The first thing that hit was my right knee, and
that was on a sharp root sticking up out of the
ground. I still have that scar on my knee to
this day.
Glenn Jackie:
Maple street ran East and West, parallel with
Laurel street, and one block to the South of
Laurel. It was next to those KCS Railroad
repair shops, and they were from Maple street
North to Lakeshore Drive to the South, and from
Pierre Ave. East to beyond Portland Ave. to the
West. There was a fence separating the street
from the yards, but you could see over it from
our porch, and all during the war years we could
see everything from airplanes with their wings
off and loaded to each side of the plane, tanks,
artillery pieces, jeeps, trucks, and all sorts
of things.
That one building to the far end of the
picture is the roundhouse in the yards, and they
could run an engine in there, and there was a
huge turntable that they could turn the engine
to any one of several sets of tracks and send it
out to whichever part of the repair yard it
needed to go to. After dark, Irv and me, and
several of the other neighbor kids would sneak
into the yards and just ride bicycles, looking
around, not ever doing any mischief or anything
bad, but we had to look out for the night
watchman. We talked about the hobo jungle on
west of Portland. We were strictly warned, and
forbidden, to go anywhere near there. That is
where the trains were made up and completed to
go to wherever they were to go. I guess that is
why that is why the "jungle" was there, so the
hobos could jump on the train as it was leaving
on it's destination.
Next to Irv's house was a vacant lot and we
played ball on it. The third baseman and left
fielder had to stay out in Yale street, and of
course had to be on the lookout not only for hit
balls, but cars as well. From the entrance to
the yards that I think you can see in the
picture, from there all the way down to Sycamore
street was "colored folks" neighborhood. There
never was any trouble down there, and they never
bothered us nor did we them. Parkview school
was bounded on the West by Sycamore, the South
by Laurel, the North by Walnut, and the East by
Park Ave., but do you remember Giglio's Grocery
right next to the school? The school is still
there, and being used, and someone got a tour
set up and several of them went there last
summer. Sara Brocato (Gegg) was there and
several others from the old neighborhood was
there. Brought back many memories. I remember
the day Irv showed up for his first day I put
the American flag up and hung it upside down, by
mistake. which is the sign of distress. We
all got a big laugh out of that. Then in 1949,
Dad bought a little house out in Morningside on
Belmont street, and thus ended my bicycle career
on Maple Street. I did ride back over there a
time or two, but it was such a long ride and we
made friends on the new neighborhood so we just
saw each other at Fair Park after that. Oh,
for the good ole days, sometimes. But life was
good to us back then.
As always,

A close up of Vera Sims

Vera and Tom Bross and
Sharon Bayliss, their granddaughter
Vera was James Bradley Sims' fourth wife
Sharon is a daughter of Vera's daughter, Gladys Sims Bayliss
Sharon is Jackie's half first cousin
Tom Bross was Vera's third husband
Photo taken about 1948-1949

1954 - Mother, Buddy , Betty or Pat at door? - When daddy

October - 1954 - Buddy and Jackie - Roy Josey's grave

1955 - Tiny - Betty - Bill - Pat

1955 - Jackie - Betty - Bill - Angie

Pat, Ann, Betty and not sure if that is Buddy Ethridge in background

1958 - L-R - Bill holding Ron, Betty, Hilda holding Jimmy, Buddy,
Pat holding Les, John behind Angie holding Tony

Betty - 03-1958

Bo and Buddy think this is Bo
last one on the right on the second
row in the dark shirt
I sort of wonder if the fifth one from the right on the front row
might be Bo.
I found this in the Vivian, LA library donated photo albums,
and made a copy, just in case one might be Bo. |