This is a marriage license for a
"Charles McCoy"
March 16, 1893 to Sallie Yarnell, in Woodford County, KY
Woodford County Marriage Book 6, 1893
We wonder if this could be Chuck's mother's dad:
Charles Goble McCoy born May 10, 1871 in Floyd County, KY
(one marriage license says Logan Cty, WV)?
The age (22) matches our Charles Goble McCoy - born May 10, 1871
We have a marriage for
Charles Goble McCoy to
Nannie Barnett - between 1899 and 1901 (Tazewell, VA)
Jane (unknown maiden name) McCoy - Abt. 1925 (Tazewell, VA)
Bertha Brooks - July 19, 1925 (Tazewell, VA)
If this is the same Charles McCoy, he had four wives!!!
Does anyone know which Charles McCoy this may be?
