Uriah and Nancy (Nannie) Gibboney Barnett McCoy
This picture was found in Chuck's mother's photo albums and on the back,
it said
"This is your grandma and grandpa McCoy, so we are assuming that
Mary Elizabeth McCoy Helfrich's dad's parents.
Uriah and Nannie were married August 24, 1866 in Tazewell County, VA.
Per Luella Barnett Turner, she said that Boyd McCoy told her that Uriah
met Nannie at a spring and took her back to KY. Also, per Boyd,
Josephine Barnett Lockhart, who was Nannie Barnett's sister, said that
Uriah walked (but it is an hour an a half drive in a car) to get Charles
and Chloe and brought them to Tazewell. They lived on Tazewell
Avenue, but at that time it was Carline. Nannie and Josephine's
sister lived in Huntington, WV.
Uriah McCoy was born July 23, 1847 - in Mingo County, WV and died May
17, 1900
Nancy (Nannie) Gibboney Barnett was born 1848 in Wytheville, VA, but we
have no death nor burial information.
They had seven children - Chloe, Romoleo S., Charles Goble, Donnie, Bob,
Jane, and Manda.
In 2018, Ila Gutzman contacted me and she had some
very interesting news for me on Uriah McCoy. I am listing it
From: jacquel384@aol.com To:
jacquel384@aol.com Sent: 6/17/2018 5:25:07
PM Eastern Standard Time Subject: From Ila
about Uriah courting Mary Ann Burnett
Sent: 6/5/2018 7:47:53 AM Eastern
Standard Time Subject:
Fwd: Blank 3
1. In Mary Ann’s
handwritten copy I was sent
it is hard to read her
writing. I think that’s why
no one in the family has
attempted or wanted to put
it together and in typed
form. The diary was found
from what I was told in the
garage on the floor of her
residence after her death.
Some papers intact and
others in part not. A lot
of her papers were scattered
and unrecoverable on the
floor of garage along with
pictures. Now her
handwritten copy is
approximately 100 pages and
kept or entered over her
life span. I understand
your confusion because I
worked many hours to
organize it and to make
sense of what I was working
with. Believe me it was
hard work but I tried my
best with what I found. Oh
Lordy... then I went and
took each page and hand
wrote every page, sometimes
confused myself. But I
worked at it. After that I
typed it into the form I
sent you. I tried to stay
completely true to her diary
even using her own spelling
and use of her own words.
Well, it’s been over 100
years ago but I am doing my
best to leave it as a Legacy
from her to us. I sent you
the copy so you could gleam
dates and etcetera. I too
wish it was a pristine
lovely written diary but as
my grandmas Lawson’s diary
was hand written by her
through my mother who only
had a 4th grade education
you can see what we are up
against. I’m surprised that
it survived and ended up in
my hands. My grandmas
account no one even knew it
existed. One day while
visiting my brother he walks
in and hands it to me
telling me he found it in my
mother’s box she kept. Over
40 handwritten pages rolled
up with a cloth tie tied
around it. He said this is
a fictitious story Mom wrote
and asked if I wanted it.
Of course deep down I knew
it was important because at
one time my mom had said she
wanted to write a book about
her experiences on the
Lookout as a wife of a
Forest Ranger. In fact that
she was working on a book.
I had looked through all
her papers when she died but
did not find it. Through
the years we as descendants
wrote what we knew and
printed it. You will find
that right after my
grandmothers diary. I held
on to it for decades until
the old ones died off so no
one would be hurt with the
truth. I finally released
it to the family last year.
With everything else.
Please reread my foreword.
Now back to Mary Ann. I
know I am to release it also
for the family. She would
want it because she had been
so diligent.
Now at the time she was
widowed she was seeing a man
who was a merchant. Thus
you have that story. She
wanted to marry him but
there was opposition from
his family. Enters Uriah
McCoy seeing all this but
wanting Mary Ann for himself
stalked her. Seeing he was
about to lose out he made
his play. Thus going
unwanted and unannounced to
her doorstep and wearing her
down. Now I’m sure Mary Ann
had told him of what
transpired with her first
husband that he would kill
himself if she didn’t marry
him. Thus I’m sure Uriah
thought worked on Mary the
first time around why not
try it himself. Well... by
6:00pm he finally got her to
consent and when she tried
to change her mind he told
her, no he would return at
8:o with the preacher. Thus
you know... you read how
upset Mary Ann’s mother was.
Afterward his kids were
allowed to live with them
but he wanted no part of her
child and discouraged him
being around. He lived with
his grandma. Now I have
talked about all this with
one of my cousins and truth
is Mary Ann was a FOOLISH
COMMON SENSE when it came to
choosing husbands the right
way but remember her father
died before she was born.
Also there are some women
in this world that cannot
operate without a man. Any
man just so it’s a man to
care for her. I know it
sounds harsh but it’s true.
Thus third husband shops for
a wife. Heard of Mary. You
know the story. Only took
him one hour. Those were
the days. One must live and
survive. Remember women
were a husbands chattel.
Well, I must go now but
will write again. Cousin
Begin forwarded message:
I have
read Blank 2 and
Blank 3 and I am
afraid I am
1. I have
the date of Mary
Ann and Henry
Lawson marrying
January 9, 1879.
in Tazewell, VA.
2. Who is
Mr. LM? I am
assuming that is
Uriah, but the L
throws me. Does
that start with
the sentence "I
soon found
myself in love
with someone
else (Uriah)?
He was a
merchant (Uriah
was a music
teacher). And,
that he was a
widower with a
daughter, and
Mary Ann a widow
with a son.
Well I loved
him but was as
good as he was
and thought
"well if he
wants to listen
to his people I
will just let
him go and I
did. But, oh the
sleepless nights
and heartaches
so I let this
old man come
back. So LM got
married to a
girl that didn't
have much
So, I am
mixed up with
she let him come
back and yet she
is saying that
he got married
to a girl that
didn't have much
more. That
totally confuses
3. Then,
the next part
starting at the
top of the page
14 with "When
you think it is
not their his
children wanted
to come in so I
took two the
oldest and
youngest boy.
There was a girl
but no one sed
could live with
Uriah McCoy but
the oldest boy
was the best boy
I ever saw. I
am lost as to
she did not say
anything about
where she met
Uriah, because
Mr. LM, I'm
thinking, is not
the same person
as #2 above.
And, she has
nothing about
him telling her
that he was not
going to leave
until she agreed
they would get
married that
day. I am just
totally lost
with Mr LM - a
merchant and
then where did
Uriah come in?
was no
introduction of
Uriah at the top
of page 14, just
talking about
"When you think
it is not their
his children
wanted to come
in so I took two
the oldest and
youngest boy.
There was a girl
but no one sed
could live with
Uriah McCoy but
the oldest boy
was the best boy
I ever saw" It
was just brief
that he died in
5. Yet, I
have the date of
Mary Ann and
Uriah marrying
as 15 Aug 1885 -
in Tazewell,
VA-was that in
the bible?
6. Enter
William Sawyer
Litz. He told
Mary Ann that if
she would marry
him, her son and
mother could
come out to Utah
with them, but
it ended up that
she was in Utah
and missed her
son and mother
and regretted
I saw no
marriage for
Mary and William
Litz. in the two
documents that
you send, but I
have in the
computer that
they got
married 1891 in
Minnesota. Do
you have the
date and city.
I am afraid I am
just confused
and I know with
all of my
questions, I
have confused
you too. Jackie
Here is the part
of her diary
I’ve concluded
but I think it
may help you.
You already have
Uriah And their
marriage that I
sent you. Check
dates of her
birth, marriage
to Lawson, his
death date, her
marriage to
Uriah, his death
date. She states
they were
married 13
years. What you
don’t have is
her marriage to
William Litz and
further to her
old age. That’s
what I’m

Click to enlarge
Uriah McCoy
July 23, 1847 to May 17, 1900
Chuck's great-granddad |

Click to enlarge
Professor Uriah McCoy
July 23, 1847 to May 17, 1900
Charles Goble McCoy's Dad,
Mary McCoy Helfrich's Granddad and
Chuck Helfrich's great-granddad
Uriah McCoy was a music professor. We do not know where he
taught, so would love to find that information. We have his burial
information on the McCoy cemetery page. Other than that, we have no
further information on him. If any other McCoy researchers have further
info, please contact us at JACQUEL384@aol.com

1860 Census
Asa and Eleanor Burris McCoy
Logan County, VA