(These are from my mother's McCoy side)


April 1, 1951
Mary E. McCoy Helfrich
Her McCoy sisters are below

A sketch of above picture done by
S/Sgt. Gordon E. Moshe
Barksdale AFB, LA

Mary E. McCoy Helfrich


































June McCoy Helmandollar
Sister of Mary E. McCoy Helfrich

Velva McCoy Witten
Sister of Mary E. McCoy Helfrich


Boyd StClair (Mac) McCOY
September 13, 1901 - November 05, 1979

Acie Jackson (Rub) McCOY
April 04, 1907 - July 04, 1948

Acie Jackson (Rub) McCOY
April 04, 1907 - July 04, 1948

June - Nell - Jettie - Mary - Velva
Five McCoy Sisters

June - Jettie - Nell - Mary - Velva

About 1940-1941 - Charles Goble McCoy with his five daughters
Standing L-R - Mary - Jetta - Pop McCoy
Sitting L-R Velva - June - Nell

Three sisters of Mary Elizabeth McCoy Helfrich
June at the top - Jettie on the left and Velva on the right

June - Velva - Nell - Jettie - Mary (front) and Mac (center)
Probably taken early to mid 1970's


Bobby Witten - Rub McCoy - Richard Waschler

Acie and Velva Mae McCoy (Brother and Sister) - About 1920

Boyd St. Clair (Mac) McCOY (left) and his dad, Charles Goble McCoy
Photo probably taken between 1940 and 1942
Tazewell, VA

William P. and Nellie Grey (Billie) McCOY Vincent
Wedding Day - August 28, 1946 - Washington, DC

1998 - Julia (June) Alliaferro McCoy Dailey, Chuck's mother's sister.
The last picture taken of her

1978 - I think this was the last picture taken of the five McCoy Girls
L-R - June, Jettie, Nell, Velva, Mary

Sons of the Pioneers 7-16-1941 - From Betty McCoy Helfrich's collection