Scouting was a big part of Les's childhood
He was the bugler for his troop and he really enjoyed the
trip to Camp Philmont in NM
Plus, he was a Junior Assistant Scoutmaster.
Between all four guys, they have quite a
good sized scrapbook of
scouting badges/insignia


Daniel Thomas Helfrich's
Memories of Being a Cub Scout
9 years old - October 4, 2003
- Interviewer: Grammy
"I remember the first cub
scout campout that I went to. It was scary,
because I did not know anybody. The first
thing we
did was go get a snack and a drink. It was cold in
the morning and the afternoon was warm. We played
lots of games, racing, relays, had a bonfire and
told scary stories.
When the Pinewood Derby came
around, I won all of the trials until the very last one,
where I came in third out of 40 contestants. The
picture to the right is the derby that I won with, along
with the two trophies in front of me.
rank is bear."

Michael Allen Helfrich's
Memories of Being a Cub Scout
13 years old - May 23, 2004 - Interviewer: Grammy
"I reached
the rank of bear in the cub scouts. I think I went to five
campouts over those years. We had a huge bonfire at one of them,
higher than our house. We had to back way up because the embers
were flying out at us. The fire was set in a triangle shape area
inside the circle. We were clearing an area and when we put the
palm fronds into the fire, it really went high. The next campout
was weird because there was a raccoon in our area, and he got into our
tent, because someone had not closed their food container.
When we left the camp, there were about 100 Volkswagons coming toward
us, because they had a VW show nearby.
I enjoyed the pinewood derby races. I still have the car that my dad and
I built, but it needs repairing.