On Friday, October 3, at
6:00 o’clock in the afternoon, Miss Jacqueline Josey,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Josey of this city,
became the bride of A/1C Charles E. Helfrich, son of
M/Sgt. and Mrs. Herman Helfrich of Columbia, S. C. The
ceremony was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. T.
Sneed Jr., on Gladstone Boulevard, in the presence of the
immediate family, with Lt. Col. Herman Edgar Knies,
Chaplain of Barksdale Field officiating.
The vows were exchanged
before an improvised alter which held arrangements of long
stemmed pink radiance roses and Rosa Montana, flanked on
either side by tall standards of wood fern. At
other points in the living room pink roses and fern were
effectively used.
The bride was given in
marriage by her father. She wore an aqua two piece
suit and a close fitted black velvet hat with a small
jeweled veil. Her flowers were crimson roses.
The bride was attended by Miss Dixie Talley and S/Sgt.
John Mooney was best man.
For the reception
which followed the ceremony, the bride's table was
centered with an antique silver bowl of long stemmed pink
radiance roses interspersed with sprays of Rosa Montana.
Reflected in the polished surface of the table were the
silver service at one end of the table, presided over by
Mrs. Josey, and at the other end was a three tiered
embossed wedding cake served by Miss Talley. After a
short wedding trip the young couple will make their home