Christmases Past

Our home decorated from 1986 to 2003

Jackie and Santa (Chuck) 1997

Jackie - 1997

Jackie - 1997

Click pictures to enlarge

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Ron and Paul - 1994
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1987 Christmas Table
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Front of our home 1991
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Our Florida Room 1998
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Uncle Paul and Lauren 1987
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Front right of home 1998
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Living room 1998
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Front of our home 1998


Ron and Elise - 1998




Lauren - 1987

Daniel and his dad
Christmas with
Mickey Mouse - 1995

Michael-Daniel-Heather-Julia-Lauren-Rebeka - Opening their money tree gifts 2004

2004 Christmas

Heather and Grammy at
Universal-Orlando - 2004
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Front of our home 1998
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Front of our home 1998
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Front of our home 1998

Daniel Thomas Helfrich - 12-2001
Gingerbread house the grandchildren built.
It crumbled as soon as this picture was taken.
The other's faces were not in the picture, 
so Daniel gets the credit/blame for all - grin

1987 - Jackie holding Lauren - Chuck holding Rebeka



1967 - Our family in the Philippines
Front - Paul - Les - Ron
Back - Bill - Chuck - Jackie

1964 - Our family at Whiteman AFB, MO
Front - Bill - Les - Ron - Paul
Back - Chuck - Jackie

1988 - Our Christmas Tree

1997 - Chuck and Jackie

1998 - Chuck and Jackie
 H. L. and Ruth Ray Hunt's Home
Mt. Vernon - Dallas, TX