![]() But, first things first. I must give credit to the numerous McCoy researchers who helped me with this line. I was going to attempt to name them, but for fear I may leave someone off of the list, I just want to give a blanket thanks to all who have worked on the McCoys and shared their efforts so generously. Over the years, we spent many hours/days/weeks/months/years in libraries before the computer age came about, made many trips, conducted many interviews, and had a lot of information from Mary E. McCoy Helfrich on the direct McCoy line. That information included Uriah on down through Asa and Charles Goble and all of the descendants, bible copies, census records, etc., but we never could have put together such a mammoth tree as we now have, had it not been for the concerted efforts of so many. It has proven to be an extremely interesting tree for so many. If anyone sees anything that is incorrect here, or has anything to add, please let me know, as I have strived to make it as accurate as possible, but with so many sources intertwined, I am not 100% sure of all of the facts here. Charles Goble McCoy was born May 10, 1871 in
Floyd County, KY, according to some records and others state his
birthplace as Logan County, WV. His lineage is listed further down
on this page. We know very little about Charles' The 1910 Tazewell County, VA
Census, as shown below for the Charles Goble McCoy family, gave us
information on where everyone in his family was born. In 1910,
there were only five children and five more were born later. As stated above, we have been told that Charles was an excellent
carpenter and he Charles and Nannie had some tragic
losses with children. Charles Robert McCoy died in 1918 at the age
of 15 of pneumonia. In 1922, there was a typhoid outbreak, possibly from a nearby spring
About 1925, Charles Goble remarried and all we
have is her first name, which was Jane. Further information on that
marriage has not been found as of this date. We are not sure what
happened with that marriage, but Charles Goble McCoy was married a third
time July 19, 1925 to Bertha Brooks, in Tazewell, VA.
![]() Per other research, John McCoy and his brothers, William, Daniel, Alexander II and possibly James and Angus migrated to Belfast, Antrim County, Ireland and worked as mercenaries for an English Lord. They came to America October 07, 1772 (according to records on his great uncle William). It is believed all the brothers were born on the Estate of the Earl of Angus, Sutherland, Shire, Scotland. Old William's Great Uncle, Alexander, married Frances Katherine Sutherland, the daughter of Angus Sutherland, Earl of Sutherland Shire. Another daughter, Christina, married Daniel McCoy, son of William, and first cousin one time removed to Old William. Per Dody (Fire3821) on 8-23-03, she obtained this info from a distant cousin William Henry McCoy, Jr. I found the following info from an article of lineage that was mailed to me that stated
"Excerpts from the McCoy-Hatfield book by Otis K. Rice. The University Press
of KY..copyright 1982:
Both men were heads of
large families. Devil Anse and his wife, Levicy, were thought to
have had 13 children and Randolph and his wife, Sarah, had 18
children. Both men were hard working and adept at
surviving the harshness of mountain life. Both were men with
profound senses of duty and justice. Both heeded the call to war
and fought for the Confederacy. Both sensed the changing tide of
Appalachia as West Virginia seceded from Virginia and timber,
railroad and mining interests began working their way into the
region. CIVIL WAR In 1863, Devil Anse, a southern sympathizer, formed the Logan Wildcats to patrol the Tug Valley against guerrillas from both sides who stole animals and horses. The first victim of the feud was a Union veteran, Asa Harmon Mccoy, a younger brother of Randolph McCoy. Harmon broke his leg and was mustered out of service on December 24, 1864. Asa returned home to a chilly reception, both with the McCoys and Hatfields. The McCoy and Hatfield families had been in the Confederate Army. James Vance, an uncle of Devil Anse, told Asa that the Logan Wildcats would soon pay him a visit. Fearing for his life, Asa hid out in a nearby cave on Blue Spring Creek. His black slave, Pete, carried provisions to him. The Logan Wildcats, most of them West Virinians, traced Pete through the snow to the cave. There they found Harmon and shot him on January 7, 1865. His service in the Union army was considered an act of betrayal by the southern sympathizers. No suspects were brought to trial. HOG TRIAL One day in 1873, Randolph McCoy stopped to visit Floyd Hatfield, a cousin of Devil Anse. Floyd lived in Stringtown on the Kentucky side of the Tug River. Randolph happened to see a hog which he said bore the McCoy marking on his ear. McCoy immediately accused Floyd of penning up one of his hogs. Floyd denied stealing the hog. Randolph went to Preacher Anderson Hatfield (Preacher Anse), a Baptist minister and a justice of the peace. There he brought suit against Floyd for the recovery of his hog. On the day of the trial at the home of Preacher Hatfield, both McCoys and Hatfields heard the case. Bill Staton, a nephew of Randolph and brother-in-law of Ellison Hatfield, swore to Floyd Hatfield's ownership of the hog. Floyd won! Staton was marked for death and within months, he was killed by Paris and Sam McCoy. The hatred grew and the feud was on!! SPRING ELECTIONS - A LOVE MATCH Next was the Spring elections in Pike County, Kentucky in 1880 in McCoy country. To mountain people, an election was a great social event. But Anse Hatfield and his two oldest sons, Johnse and Cap, appeared at the election. Johnse was a likeable Hatfield and a stylish dresser and popular with the girls. Johnse met Roseanne that day, who was the daughter of Ran'l McCoy. Johnse and Roseanne fell in love immediately, and she went to live with Johnse. Devil Anse had no
inclination to allow his son to wed a McCoy. In years to come,
it was a decision for he which he voiced regret. In the ensuing
months, a still-angry Randolph sent Roseanne's sisters as
emissaries to bring her home. Finally, a disheartened Roseanne
left the Hatfield homestead and went to live in Stringtown with
her Aunt Betty, widow of Allan McCoy, the brother of Sarah. A broken Roseanne finally returned to the home of her parents in 1888 to tend to the recovery of her ailing mother. Lost in depression and despair, Roseanne found her health gradually slipping away. Despite repeated assurances by doctors that she bore no illness, Roseanne finally passed away at the age of thirty. She was the first of her family to be laid to rest in Dils Cemetery. The story of Roseanne's tragic life soon became a staple of Appalachian folklore. It is said that as her story was recounted, whenever her name was mentioned, they spoke of her in whispers. WAR DECLARED Soon, Ellison Hatfield insulted Tolbert McCoy, and then attacked him. Tolbert and one of his brothers drew knives and stabbed Ellison and a third McCoy brother shot Tolbert. Ellison, bleeding from 26 stab wounds and a bullet in his back, was taken away. The three McCoy boys, Pharmer, Tolbert and Randolph, Jr., ran off and hid in the woods. They were captured and put in custody of a justice of the peace and a constable for a trip to the Pikeville jail. Ellison Hatfield was taken on a stretcher to his home in West Virginia. The next day, before the McCoy boys could be taken to Pikeville, Devil Anse organized a posse and took the McCoy boys away from the guards. Crossing theTug River at the mouth of Blackberry Creek, the Hatfields took the three boys to an unused schoolhouse on Mate Creek. Sarah McCoy, hearing of the capture of her sons, lost no time riding to Devil Anse across the river. Sarah demanded to know why Devil Anse was holding her sons in West Virginia when they should be in jail in Pikeville. Devil Anse replied "I'm holding them to see if Ellison dies. If he dies or gets well, I promise to bring them back to Kentucky alive." REVENGE TAKEN Two days later, on August 9, 1882, Ellison died. At the schoolhouse, the three McCoy boys (all sons of Ran'l) were tried and marched off to Kentucky. At the mouth of Mate Creek, they crossed the Tug River to the Kentucky side. There they bound the McCoys to some pawpaw trees. In the space of a few seconds, some 50 shots were fired into the brothers. Devil Anse had kept his promise ot bring the boys back to Kentucky alive. There was a funeral held on one side of the river for Ellison Hatfield and on the other side for the three McCoy boys on the same day. The three brothers, Tolbert, Pharmer and Randolph, Jr. were buried in a single grave in the McCoy Cemetery on the side of a hill on Blackberry Fort of Pond Creek. FIRE With the threat of arrests now looming over them and the continued forays into West Virginia increasing, the Hatfields devised a plan that was daring even by mountain standards. Cap, Jim Vance and Johnse had now returned to Kentucky, rounded up a cadre of more than twenty men that included Ellison "Cotton Top " Mounts, the illegitimate, mentally retarded son of Ellison Hatfield. Declaring himself too ill to participate, Devil Anse sent the party by night on a raid that intended to put an end to the struggle once and for all. As the party surrounded the
cabin of Randolph McCoy, Jim Vance called out for the McCoys to
surrender. Randolph and his son, Calvin, took up position to
defend the homestead as Sarah and her daughter, Alifair gathered
up the smaller children. Suddenly, the first shot rang out as
Johnse fired accidentally, perhaps as a warning intended for his
former love, Roseanne, who he mistakenly believed to be in the
cabin. By the light of morning, Randolph returned to the cabin to find his wife miraculously clinging to life, her grandchildren gathered about her. Alifair lay dead beside her, her long hair frozen to the ground. Friends and neighbors once again performed a solemn duty as they buried two more of Randolph's children in the McCoy Cemetery. The rest of the nation was stunned by the whirlwind of violence unleashed by Anse Hatfield and his family. For the first time, stories of the feud became front page copy in newspapers across the country. THE END Public opinion shifted against the Hatfields. More stories were generated when the governor of WV turned down the Kentucky governor's petition to arrest Anse Hatfield and some of his kin. Bands of heavily armed McCoys, sometimes numbering upwards of 50 men, staged more raids across the border. Within a few weeks, two more Hatfields had been killed and another eight were captured to stand trial for murder in Kentucky. The governor of WV, infuriated, called up the National Guard, as did his counterpart in KY. WV began legal proceedings to head off the impending trials of the Hatfields. The attorneys charged that the Hatfields had been kidnapped without due process. The case went to the United States Supreme Court, which ruled there was no legal way to mandate the restoration of prisoners abducted from one state to another. So the eight Hatfields had to stand trial in KY after all. All were found guilty of murder and seven were sentenced to life imprisonment, the eighth defendant received the death sentence for the murder of Alifair McCoy. Ignoring a state law prohibiting public executions, the authorities decided to hang Ellison Mounts publicly as a warning to the other Hatfields Thousands of people attended the execution. The bloodshed had sorely
decimated both families. New money was flowing into the
area, attracted by rich deposits of coal and the investors
needed a more stable social climate, and police authority was
increased accordingly. Anse started a logging operation,
found religion, and lived to see his nephew, Henry, become
governor of WV, and then later a United States senator.
Anse died of pneumonia in 1921, and is buried in the Hatfield
Cemetery at Sarah Ann, West Virginia. Many people have misconceptions as to what started the "Hatfield-McCoy Feud", and this is just a brief outline of the reasons. 1863Devil Anse Hatfield forms guerrilla band. Raids and thefts follow between the McCoy and Hatfield families.1865First death in feud -- Asa Harmon McCoy. No prosecution.1878Randolph McCoy accuses Floyd Hatfield of stealing his pig. Bill Staton's testimony in court later wins for Floyd Hatfield.1880Bill Staton murdered by Paris and Sam McCoy in June. Sam McCoy tried in September for Staton death; acquitted. Roseanna McCoy and Johnse Hatfield meet. She leaves to live with him at Hatfield cabin.1881Roseanna returns home, then moves to aunt's cabin where Johnse is captured by McCoy boys. Roseanna's ride to Devil Anse's saves Johnse's life. Pregnant Roseanna returns to Ole Ran'l's home, catches measles, miscarries baby, then moves to Pikeville. Johnse marries Nancy McCoy on May 14. (This is what I meant by there being two/three different stories about whether Roseanna had the baby for eight months or it was a miscarriage.)1882Ellison Hatfield fatally wounded by Bud, Tolbert and Pharmer McCoy on August 9. After Hatfield dies, the three McCoy boys are tied to paw paw bushes and executed.1887Kentucky governor appoints Frank Phillips to capture McCoy boys' murderers.1888New Year's Day raid on Ole Ran'l McCoy's cabin leaves Alifair and Calvin dead, home burned to ground. Roseanna McCoy, less than 30 years old, dies in Pikeville1889Trial of Hatfield clan in McCoy murders begins. T.C. Crawford publishes "An American Vendetta."1890Ellison Mounts executed for Alifair McCoy's murder. (Feb 18).1891Feud ends.CHARLES GOBLE MCCOY ANCESTORS: 1. John McCoy, Jr. - Born
about 1700 in Ireland - Died 1762 in MD? 9-23-98
Charles G. McCoy Romalou L. McCoy
Acie J. McCoy Robert Jack Witten Richard Harris Washler James E. Helmandollar Beloved Mother Additional information on Charles Goble McCoy on Mary Elizabeth McCoy-Helfrich's page. A side note here is that several of the girls in future generations were named "Alifair," probably after the Alifair who was killed in the log cabin fire and shooting. In fact, one of Betty McCoy Helfrich's sisters, Julia (June), had the middle name of " Alliaferro." We have seen it spelled so many different ways in the records.