Jimmy St. Vigne - Jacqueline Josey Helfrich - Roy Holder - Picture taken by Ann Holder

Chuck and Jacqueline Josey Helfrich

Gay Cook England and May Cook Spells

Ruben Morris

Don and Rosalyn Lofley Kennedy

Sara Brocato Gegg

Barbara Lunsford Hays

Louise Pons Williams

Bill and Betty Jane Black Robinson

Melvin and Jo Ann Buddenburg

Roy and Ann Holder
Claude and Mary Ann Teddlie Veatch
Howard and Marian Tubbs Coonrod Hearn

Joe and Medy Thomas Preston

Glenn and Clarice Pickett

Sam and Sara Jane Poulan Goodwin

Harley and Eloise Brown

Gale and Dot Cole Bagley

Jim and Annie Pearl Gunn Sawyer

Lewis Ray and Marge Bryant

Otto and Danny LePointe Niedren

David Sutton

Shorty and Jane Williams Russell
Jimmy St. Vigne

Jimmy and Roy:

Jimmy, I saved your picture to the end so I could add a note for everyone to see.  If any of you ever get the chance, ask Jimmy about a date he had while he was at FPHS, with the end result being a dog sitting on the curb, smoking a Chesterfield. Believe me, you will laugh until you hurt, as we all did at a little get-together after the main event of the reunion.

Added to that was an absolutely hilarious military story that Roy Holder shared with us that had us in stitches, too.

Jimmy, you and Roy are the absolute best story-tellers in the world.  Thanks for the memories.


Background Music - "A Moment in Time"