Then click in lower right corner again to enlarge even more

1998 - Chuck and Jackie with two Hawaiians - Fun Luau
1998 - Our trip back to Honolulu, Hawaii


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Chuck and Jackie #1
Parasailing in Hawaii (Oahu)
Read Chuck's lips.  Not fond of heights, and less than thrilled about this adventure, he was a good sport, considering high winds and the fact they had to abruptly pull us back in, for safety reasons.
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Chuck and Jackie #2
Parasailing in Hawaii (Oahu)
In gale winds.
What a thrill this was.  Picture taken just after we left the boat.
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Chuck and Jackie #3
Parasailing in Hawaii (Oahu)

Up, up & away,  even higher after this picture was taken.  Spectacular 
view, looking out over Oahu!!!

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Ron and Paul - 1979
Atlanta, GA

1996 - Betty and Jackie
Outside a Cracker Barrel in TN.  Betty is saying to me:
"I can't believe you are serious about having a picture taken of us in these dumb looking hats!"

1996 - Betty and Jackie
Beautiful hi-lift ride up the mountains
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1996 - Betty and Jackie
North Carolina
Are you ready for a laugh?
We went to these memorials on the right in DC in November,2003 and they really do leave a lump in your throat. korean.jpg (181730 bytes)
Korean Memorial
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Vietnam Wall
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Vietnam Memorial



March 26, 2000 Paul and Daniel enjoying

the cherry blossoms in Washington, DC


This was in Tennessee - John Brocato is in the green shirt on the left,
Angie Josey Brocato (with sunglasses) across from John,
Jackie in front of John, and Chuck reaching for Jackie. 
Angie is watching me and Chuck is reaching for me, because as we were heading for the first rapids, our raft hit a
big bunch of rocks and threw me and another woman out. 
It was pretty bad, as our heads were being slammed against the rocks,
so thank goodness,we had the helmets. 
The force of the water was so bad that my pants were pulled down
to my knees, and I was trying to pull them up as they were rescuing me,
but the force of the water kept pulling them back down.  Then, we went into the next rapid above. 
So, I can understand why Angie and Chuck were watching me. 
Good grief, my big mouth is always open.   

Fun! Fun! Fun! 




2004 Busch Gardens - All of the blue ponchos are the Helfrichs
Click to enlarge and then click in lower right corner to enlarge more
Heather in front - Jan behind her
Jackie - Rebeka - Michael on 3rd row
Here is the wave that hit us at the bottom:

2004 - Busch Gardens - Cotton candy break
Rebeka - Grammy - Julia - Michael - Daniel - Heather


December - 2004 - Universal Island of Adventure
Click to enlarge and click on lower right side again
We had just gotten off of this roller coaster ride "The Hulk" and then went to the one below:

We went on this ride and when it took us to the top, then sent us straight down into a tidal wave, it was a heart pounding ride.  Then, we saw the pictures they had taken, (they were fuzzy) so I had to be Ms. Smarty Britches and say "oh, let's go back through it again, and let's all have a big smile on our faces this time so we can have a good picture to show everyone of the fun we had."

 Weeeelllll, you see the end result.  Everyone, who has seen the picture so far, says I should not show this to anyone, but I am a big person and I guess we could say "big mouth bass" also.  Look at each of the faces in this picture and you should have enough laughs to last you for a lifetime.
Please keep in mind that this old 72 year old Grammy had been on many of the roller coaster rides the day before at Busch Gardens and then all of them at Universal and then this was the finale.  So, please cut me some slack for being a bit "washed out" looking.  And, I had just gotten over a bad cold and laryngitis a few days before this. 
Now, can you be a bit kind on me after knowing all of that?   The ride above at Busch Gardens was a cake walk compared to this ride below.

Front row - L-R - Les - Jackie - Heather - 2nd row - Jan and Rebeka - Others unknown


Below - 2005 - Virginia and Washington, DC Trip to see Bill, Yumi and Amy


June 09, 2005 - Chuck - Bill - Jackie - Luray Caverns, VA


June 11, 2005 - Chuck - WWII Monument, DC



2005 - WW II Memorial


June 11, 2005 - President John F. Kennedy's Grave


Chuck and Jackie - Waikiki Beach, Hawaii
November 11, 1998

Background Music
"Tiny Bubbles"