Just as with Heather, where do we begin? We had only Bill for two years
and we wanted another baby, so Bill would not grow up alone. When Bill and
I joined your dad in Germany in 1955, I had several bad episodes with
kidney infections. At first, the doctors said I should not have any more
children, but he decided to let us go on and try and he said he would
watch me closely throughout the pregnancy. Much unlike Bill, you were not
to become a reality for some time. It took over a year for me to become
pregnant. The doctor told me that I could eat anything I wanted, because I
was so thin, and perhaps I would keep some of the weight after you were
born. I put on 50 pounds during the pregnancy and, as always, lost all of
it within a couple of months.
The pregnancy was uneventful, and then the morning I woke up and said
"this was the day," your Dad took me to the hospital at Bitburg Air Force
Base. I was in there almost 12 hours, again with the contractions being
five minutes apart from the beginning. You have heard this story many
times, but I was so exhausted, that finally toward delivery time, I could
not push anymore and the nurse got up with all of her 300 pounds that she
was packing and starting pushing on my stomach, as she was saying "you are
not having this baby, I am having it for you." What is it with nurses and
me, I wonder? Well, the problem was your shoulders, they were so large.
All one has to do today is just look at you and they can see what I am
talking about, right? The day was also a Tuesday and you were born at 8:35
a.m. and the doctor (Schildwaechter) said that you were a big healthy boy,
and again, I asked "does he have all ten fingers and toes?" The doctor
said you did and then we found out that you weighed 8 lbs. 7 3/4 oz., 20
inches long and chest of 14 inches. You also had red hair and blue eyes.
You were spoiled rotten from the gitgo.
Mona and Jim Graddy were your godparents and they said you were a
mess, a character from the beginning, with mischief written all over
your face. They did nothing but smile when they looked at you. Then,
when we came back to the states from Germany a few months later, I
was pregnant with Ron, bigger than a barn and carrying you and your
Dad had a cast on his leg from an accident. We drove across the
country to our next station, and you and Bill were good travelers,
just as your daughters are today.
You had chicken pox at the age of 6 months, and your dad caught them from
you, but that is the only disease that I put in your baby book. You were
always into something when you were little, the only one who fell on the
lawn mower blade and cut your leg so badly, needed stitches, broke your
arm, got into rat poison and had to have your stomach pumped, etc., and it
was always to the emergency room with you, it seemed. They gave you the
nickname of "Les, the Mess," and "Dennis the Menace." In your baby book,
it says "life gets more and more interesting. There are many things I like
to do, but best of all I like to get into mischief." You survived those
accident prone years and did well in school, and played the trumpet in the
concert band. I always remembered you saying over the years that when you
attended Paul and Ellen's wedding, that when the music began in the
background for Ellen to march down the aisle and it was a trumpeter, the
hair stood up on the back of your neck. You will find the "Echo Taps" with
trumpets on the military cemetery on this site to be special to you, I am
This is one that you probably don't want your daughters to know about. The
time when "streaking" was the fashion, and you streaked over the Gandy
Bridge. And, the time that you and your best friend, Bob, went to your
rival high school and sprayed their black panther with pink paint. Bob
dropped his wallet and they caught you both later, didn't they? Of course,
I never knew about those episodes until many years later. One of your most
memorable childhood memories, from what I remember, was the time you went
to the Boy Scout Summer Session at Camp Philmont out west. You graduated
from Robinson High and you were determined that you were going into the
army and become a military policeman, and you did just that.
Remember when your grandmother Josey and I drove your old mustang up to
your graduation from boot camp, and we were almost asphyxiated along the
way because there was something wrong with your car? Then, you were
stationed in Alaska, where you met your wife to be, Janet Kelly. Jan's dad
was a company commander in the air force, and you were an enlisted man in
the army. What a combination. You were the first one of the four sons to
get married, and you wanted us all to be there, but we were scattered
everywhere. Yet, we managed to surprise you with Margie, your dad, Ron,
Paul and me all coming in on one plane and then Bill coming in on another
plane from Hawaii, so we all arrived in Anchorage at the same time. That
was no small feat to pull off. You were so thrilled to see all of us that
everyone in the airport could hear you squealing with surprise. Your
wedding was beautiful and we were so glad we could all be together.
Over the years, it has been great to go to Alaska on five different
occasions to see you guys. It is always nice to have you all come down
here every other year too. You went on and got your degree in computer
sciences and you now have a job that you really enjoy, supervising a
customer service group, and that is quite rewarding, monetarily too, but
more than anything else, you found your niche with the job. We could not
be happier for you guys. One of your strong points, Les, is that you have
a very compassionate personality and would give the shirt off of your back
to anyone. You have made us very proud of you.
Love you,
Mom and Dad |