But you took your sweet loving time and did not arrive until dinner the next day, with your mom being in labor for 21 hours. We have often wondered if you were on a cell phone. You had a fever right after you were born, and your mom had to go home without you. Your mom was in the hospital for three days and you were there for five days. You were a perfect baby, sleeping throughout the night the first night home and thereafter. There were no problems with you at all, except for Grammy who called your mom every day and sometimes several times a day to see if you cried, because you just never, ever cried. You were certainly a beautiful baby, too. The hospital you were born in was Women's Hospital of Tampa. We baby sat with you many times when you were young, and you were such a joy to spend time with. We naturally thought you were just the smartest child in the world. We were so far from Rebeka in Alaska, and we did not get to see her too many times in her growing up years. One of our memories of you was when you were about three years old and you were here in one of your frilly dresses and you leaned over and looked at a small spot on our kitchen floor and exclaimed "Grammy, this house is dirty!" Your uncle Paul started the nickname that you later learned to detest, but while you were a little girl, we all called you "Ms. Ruffle Britches." I called you Ms. Tutu, when you first took dancing lessons. You were truly a little Ms. Priss. You were pretty from the beginning and so precise about everything. Later, your nick name was changed to "Ms. Thang." Just no respect anywhere, huh? But, every time you go to uncle Paul and aunt Ellen's, the two grandchildren there, Daniel and Julia, just love to see you. You are like a big sister to them, and it is so obvious how much they love you. Then, this past summer in 2003, you were selected to attend the National Jr. Classical League ( JCL) in Texas. This was a Latin honor convention. And, then you placed fourth in the region, eighth in the state and seventh in the nation out of about 3,000 who attended. WOW! What an honor that was. We were so proud of you!! Then, in April of 2004, you continued down that path winning third place out of 200 in your school in another art contest. To top that, you were selected by the committee to the position of Vice President of the National Arts of the Honor Society. We also know that with you being on the honor roll all of these years that you will earn a scholarship with ease. What more could grandparents ask? We are so glad to be able to see you off and on, and before we know it, you will be walking down the aisle in a cap and gown to receive your high school diploma. We hope you have grandchildren one day who will make you as proud as we are of you. April 2005 - You just got the great news that you were accepted at your first choice of colleges, FSC, and we are so proud of you and very happy for you and your family. We understand that it is a private, Methodist affiliated school, famous for it's arts and architect programs, which is perfect since you plan to teach art. You know that we wish you the best of everything in the future. Love you lots and lots, Grammy Jaws and Pa Chuck - April 20, 2004
![]() Lauren and Laura at the Zeta Tau Alpha picnic (ZTA is, hopefully, our future sorority) November 2005
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