, You were our first grandchild, and did you come into this world in one
heck of an unusual fashion! Margie and I were staying at
an apartment complex a short distance from your mom and dad. Your Mom was still going to work each day, and Margie
and I were just sightseeing and waiting for you to
make your debut. One morning, we called your dad
at his office, and asked him if anything was happening. He
said that your mom thought you were about to make your grand
entrance and could we drive into Anchorage to pick her up and
take her to the hospital and if it were the real thing, to call
him and he would be right there. We drove that 50 miles
and took your mom to the hospital, all to have the contractions
stop, like cold turkey. The doctor told your mom to go on
home. We drove the 50 miles back to Palmer to take your mom home. Margie and I sat in the living room, to be
nearby, having told your mom to call us if anything happened.
A couple of hours later, the
phone rang, and it was your dad. Your mom answered the
phone in the bedroom, and she told your dad that the contractions
had begun again and were now five
minutes apart. Geeezzz, what to do now? We have 50
miles to drive back to Anchorage. Your mom was in the back
seat lying down breathing deeply, very deeply, and telling me to
hurry. I was driving and Margie was timing the
contractions. The contractions were coming more like every 3-4 minutes
at that point. Then, your mom got sick, and asked us for a barf bag.
Margie looked over at the speedometer and saw
that I was driving 85mph and that I had it floor boarded, yet, she
had the nerve to ask "can't you make this car
go any faster?" On top of that, we were caught in
5:00 pm traffic. I was flashing my lights, blowing my horn
and everyone was getting out of my way. Where are the
police when you need one, I ask?
Got your mom to the hospital and they
took her in and we went to the waiting room. Your dad
arrived at the hospital. Bingo, the contractions stopped
again. The doctor said that we could go home again. At
this point, we have already driven 150 miles this special day,
and we headed home again which is 50 miles away again. We
drove back home, and as soon as we dropped your mom and dad off
at their home, Margie and I said we were going around the corner
to pick up our tooth brushes, and a change of clothes and come
back over and spend the night with your mom and dad.
As soon as we got back, which
was only a few minutes later, your mom and dad were waiting outside, and they said that your
mom's water had
broken as soon as they got in the door, so back to the hospital again. Total miles
at this point for the day is 200 miles, about to total 250 when
we arrived in Anchorage for the third time that day. Got to the
hospital and they decided to keep your mom. We all spent
the night and the next morning, your dad, Margie and I were
fortunate enough to be in the delivery room and see you born. I
had never witnessed a birth, having been pretty much out for our
four sons' births. You were a beautiful redhead and what a thrill
to have our first grandchild, and for you to be a girl, after we
had four sons. You were born at Anchorage Humana
You have grown up into such a beautiful and
introspective young lady. How great that you are making
such good grades in school, learning Japanese and having just
gone to Japan this summer as an exchange student. Pa Chuck
and I will always have fond memories of the summer you and
Heather came down to Florida for a couple of weeks in 2000.
And, especially when you were so badly sunburned, and I put
vinegar on your sunburn, but was not sure if it should be rinsed
off, so I called the nurse at the hospital to ask her and she
put me through to POISON CONTROL. You guys can tell our
great grandchildren about that one, and I am sure you will.
You have certainly teased me enough about it. Another
thing you can tell your grandchildren about is that you played
the French Horn in the symphonic band in high school. It
is always good training to be in some kind of music.
And, didn't we have a great time in
Texas at our Blunt reunion that summer? What a thrill it was, Rebeka,
to have you so interested in the family history and having
learned so much from us working on the family tree prior to
going to the reunion, that you were able to sit and talk with the
adults all about the family tree. You did me proud at that
reunion, young lady! Always stay as sweet as you are today.
Your mom and dad could not possibly be more proud of you than we
are. We just wish you guys did not live so far away and we
would be able to see you more often than every two years.
We can't wait to go to Alaska again for your graduation which
will be here before we turn around. It seems like only
yesterday that you were born. Love you lots and kisses to
Rebeka enjoys the arts which include music,
drama, and drawing. She’s been in band since 5th grade,
beginning on the Trumpet and switching to the French Horn
in 6th grade. She is in the drama club at her high school
and has performed such jobs as stage manager, props
mistress, and random techie #2. She has been drawing
since a very young age, but has only recently gotten
serious about it.
04-01-05 - We just received the news
that you were accepted at UAA - University of Alaska -
Anchorage. What great news!! You said you will
probably major in languages, considering Japanese as your
primary, and possibly being an interpreter. We know
you will do exceptionally well, and wish you all the
success in the world.
Grammy Jaws and Pa Chuck - April 20, 2004
Heather |

Rebeka |