Tour of FPHS
Row 1 1. Patrick Green -
black sweater
2. Gloria Rosenblum Tooke -brown dress
3. Eddy Ray Knight - blue jacket
4. Annie Marie Rinchuso Knight - brown jacket - light slacks
5. Dot Cole Bagley - gold top
6. Jane Williams Russell - long coat and sunglasses
7. Barbara Hunt Adams in light slacks holding purse in front of her
8. Ann Williams - married name? - black slack suit
9. Ferne Dilbeck Lawrence -gold slack set
10. Margaret Tuminello Kincaid - brown jacket
11. Sara Brocato Gegg Row
2 12. Maxine Simon Calvert - in purple between
Gloria and Eddy
13. Betty Smith - in front of Dan Smith
14. Medy Thomas Preston looking to her right
15. Betty Jane Black Robinson - looking to her right
16. Martha Tucker Long - light colored top
17. Betty Simmons - in sunglasses - married name?
18. Keith Matherne - tan jacket and dark shirt
19. Stanley Fontana - tan jacket and light shirt
20. Roger Bell - between Stanley and Gloria
21. Gloria Pyle - dark top Row 3
22. Jerry Davis - brown vest
23. John Brocato - blue shirt
24. Jacqueline Josey Helfrich - sunglasses
25. Dan Smith - light jacket next to Jackie and his wife Betty Smith
looking to her left
26. Unknown she the wife of Charles Thomas?
27. Charles Thomas - dark jacket and light shirt
28. Joy Hammack Rogers - aqua top with white blouse - married name?
29. Who is in the suit with tie next to Joy?
30. Charlotte Murphy Gilbert - head turned
Row 4
31. Harley Brown - head turned to his right
32. Jackie Calvert in purple shirt
33. Wearing sunglasses - unknown
34. Johnny Reynolds - beard
35. Gale Bagley - light colored shirt
36. Who is in light jacket and maroon shirt next to Gale?
37. Mack Oglesby - dark jacket and shirt
38. Buddy Williams - maroon jacket and gray shirt
39. Dixie Williams - white jacket
40. Who is between Dixie and Waymon Pyle wearing suit and tie?
41. Waymon Pyle - light jacket and dark shirt
42. Jimmy Rogers looking to his left
43. Jimmy St. Vigne - dark jacket |