Reverend Dan and Barbara Hunt Adams - Dixie and Buddy Williams
Speaker - Harley Brown
Eloise Brown - Dot Cole
Bagley - Gloria Rosenblum Tooke - Gay Cook England

Our very special
Coach Clem Henderson

Rogers Hampton and Harley Brown
Plaque Read:
"Rogers Hampton
The Greatest Athlete
The Fair Park High School"
Martha Tucker Long, Jacqueline Josey Helfrich,
May Cook Spells and Gay Cook England Chuck Helfrich and Angie Josey Brocato
Angie is Jackie's sister Dot Cole Bagley - Gloria Rosenblum Tooke - Gay Cook England Gay Cook England and Bill Plumb
Martha Tucker Long, Jacqueline Josey Helfrich,
May Cook Spells and Gay Cook England
West End Gang - John Brocato, Sara Brocato Gegg, Jacqueline Josey Helfrich, Mary Ann Teddlie Veatch, Buddy Williams, Glenn Pickett, Harold Reddin James Garrard, Kent McMath, Jo Nell Swiney McMath, Betty Jo Atkins Good, and Barbara Hunt Adams
Jacqueline Josey Helfrich, Angie Josey Brocato, John Brocato, Rogers Hampton, ?Joe May, Gay Cook England, Coach Clem Henderson, ? Rogers Hampton and Jacqueline Josey Helfrich Annie Marie Rinchuso Knight - Melvin Buddenburg -
Gloria Pyle - ??? - Joan De Armon?
West End Gang - John Brocato, Sara Brocato Gegg, Jacqueline Josey Helfrich, Mary Ann Teddlie Veatch, Buddy Williams, Glenn Pickett, Harold Reddin
Ferne Dilbeck Lawrence and Charlotte Murphy or last name Gilbert
Sara Brocato Gegg, Mary Ann Teddlie Veatch, Jacqueline Josey Helfrich, Glenn Pickett Joe May, Buddy Williams, Coach Henderson, Harley Brown Jo Nell Smith Jerome - Wife of Jackie Jerome
Ferne Dilbeck Lawrence and Charlotte Murphy or last name Gilbert

Jane Williams Russell - Andy Williford - Marian Tubbs Coonrod - Mr. James
Noel |