knew that you were going to be our last grandchild, so we were
going to absorb everything that we could and remember you so
very well. You and your brother, Daniel, would be the last
two Helfrich grandchildren. So, you both have that
distinction. Julia and Amy, I picked out this background
especially for you, since you are the two youngest girls and
even though the others are much older, they will just have to
deal with it, right?
Julia, you were a mighty big baby too and exceptionally pretty.
We have really enjoyed going to your dance recitals, and you
have been such a star in all of them, but the one of you in your
rain coat was our favorite one. That is why we put that
picture of you at the top. And, we have come over to your
home on several Halloweens, and after scanning in some of
your Halloween pictures of you and Daniel, we decided to set up
a special Halloween page for you guys. I have enjoyed the tea parties in your bedroom too. Your
mom and dad just redecorated it and it is beautiful. It
just suits you to a "T". The day they were decorating the
room, (in 2003) I came over and took you out to dinner for your
birthday while they were doing the work and then you could be
surprised when you got home, with the final result.
Remember, we went to Cracker Barrel and the manager came over
and asked if you were having a nice birthday dinner with your
Grammy? Then, they came out and sang "Happy Birthday" to
you as everyone was applauding. Then, when we went to buy
you something, and you liked one set of necklaces, but you put
it back and I told you to pick out what you wanted. You
went and got the more inexpensive one and I asked you why you
did not get the other one. You said because the other one
was more expensive. To be only seven years old and be that
considerate was very sweet, I thought. And, in addition to
that, you did not want to get something for yourself, even
though it was your birthday, without getting something for
Daniel. So, you picked something out and took it to him.
That was so sweet and thoughtful. One of my memories was when we were over at your home recently
and I was rushing from the dining room to the kitchen and back
and forth doing the dishes and you said "Grammy, you don't have
to run so much." I replied that I run like that so old age
will not catch up with me. You looked at me as if you
wanted to ask "what in the world are you talking about,
Grammy?" Another
memory was when you were up in Virginia visiting with Amy in
2003, and you called on the telephone and told us about what a
great time you were having up there and how much fun you and Amy
were having, apple picking, pumpkin patching, horseback riding,
etc. I asked if you could put Amy in your suitcase and
bring her home with you, and you said "no, Grammy, I can't do
that." Sometimes, I think you don't know what to make of
your Grammy, right?
Yet another memory that I think you
and Daniel will always hold onto is the fun you had when Grammy
picked you up in the car to go to dinner, and you two would sit
in the back seat. You would ask Grammy to turn on the
"On-Star" button so you could get directions to the nearest
restaurant, or if you knew which one you wanted to go to, you
would tell them you wanted directions to Cracker Barrel or Steak
and Shake (or as you said, Julia - "Shake and Bake".)
Remember how the lady from On Star always told you that she
hoped you enjoyed your dinner when you got there? But,
then Grammy had to go get a new car and it did not have On-Star
in it. But, you can hold on tightly to those memories from
the 2001 Buick that Grammy took you out in. And, the most recent memory was the great time we had when you,
Daniel, your parents, Bow Wow and I went to Disney World in
December 2003. That was a fun day, even if you were
a bit hesitant about going into the haunted mansion. That
was neat though, wasn't it? And, then shortly after that,
Papa Chuck and I came over to spend the weekend with you and
Daniel and we went out to dinner at, as you call it, "Shake and
Bake," otherwise known as Steak & Shake. Papa Chuck and I
hope you remember some of these fun times after you are all
grown up, which will come sooner than later. Lots of kisses and hugs to you - Love ya.
Grammy and Pa
Chuck - April 20, 2004 |